When people ask what this show is about, I really don’t blame them because it’s really not well known. That’s exactly why we decided to produce it: It’s a hidden gem! When I first heard the music, I was hooked immediately, it’s so good: beautiful harmonies, wonderful melodies, elaborate, but not too much, clever lyrics, great piano. In short: a great composition – with a beautiful message. Reasons enough to come see it. Now – if you want to know a little more, keep reading!
What’s the story about? According to the authors, Richard Maltby Jr and David Shire, it’s about “feelings”. That encompasses pretty much the entire human experience, right? So, let’s get a little more specific. The show qualifies as musical theater which means, there’s acting and a teensy bit of dancing involved. It’s not a Starlight Express or Phantom of the Opera type of show with lots of props, big gestures, a huge set and all kinds of distractions on a gigantic stage. It’s “small art”, reduced, no costumes, barely any props. Just three people on a stage plus pianist who don’t even have character names, just “Woman 1”, “Woman 2” and “Man”. We love that it’s meant for small theaters because this allows us to actually connect with you, the audience! (Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to do anything except to sit back, relax and enjoy the show).
“Starting Here Starting Now” is a collection of scenes rather than a consistent story. Every song is presented by a new character, a new person. Think of an anthology of short stories. The actors represent every one of us in their needs, their distress, their happiness, excitement, anxiety and vulnerability by changing age, personality, temperament from song to song. You will recognize yourself in one scene or another, that’s for sure! And that is also why it’s not simply a revue show where songs are presented following a motto, like “A Tribute To Maltby & Shire”.
“Starting Here Starting Now” is about human connection, about emotional truth, about living in the now. Watching the characters deal with their big and small struggles is funny and exhilarating, sentimental, shocking, uplifting, moving.
If you are a musical theater aficionado, the music will remind you of classic shows like Chicago, A Chorus Line, … If you’re not so much into musical theater, you might recognize elements of swing, jazz, The Great American Songbook and the beautiful standards that stand the test of time. We are very happy to have Frans Heemskerk on the keys because the music requires major piano skills and a genuine love for all those genres. As performers, we love this show because we get to harmonize a lot, but also each one of us gets their moments to shine.
We started this project as enthusiasts – there’s no other way to do it if you are producers and actors at the same time –, and we felt the connection right away: connection with the music, with each other, and everyone else involved, from musicians to our wonderful acting coaches to fans. It’s undeniable: “Starting Here Starting Now” exudes a special spirit. The message is love – come feel it and let us share it with you.